Monday, February 27, 2012

Ok... BREATHE...

My deepest apologies... I know most of us have completely neglected this site for some time. It was nice to logon and see Lu's post!

MY EXCUSE: I graduated from Law School! YAY! which means... December I was studying for finals and applying for jobs... I did get a new job (not law related) but I am teaching at SC4! And I love it... So, January and February I have been studying to take the MI Bar Exam and started working again.

MY RESOLUTION: After I take the Bar exam, I promise to make a better effort at making regular posts!

Ok gotta go... Wish me luck tomorrow (28th and 29th) and Wednesday on the Bar Exam... I better not have to repeat this... It is too expensive and too stressful!

And Lu, You are not alone girlfriend! We love you. Keep talking and writing and I promise you will feel better.


Anonymous said...

I am sooo excited for you that you're finally done!!! Ok maybe not just for you but for my own selfish reasons LOL. I can't wait to get back to hanging out here and there like we used to :) You did fine and you know it...You're brain is too expensive not to have done great!

Lulu (I'm using Zaad's computer and I didn't think to log in as me before I typed all this so I had to do it as anonymous LOL)