Friday, June 4, 2010

Who They Are (Lulu)

Let me tell you about my parents....AKA ShaMom & ShaDad!! Two of the most amazing people that anyone could ever meet. I am very fortunate to be able to call them my parents and I thank God for them every day!

My dad made a comment the other day about how I have talked to mom about my situation but havent talked to him. He wasnt mad about it....just that we always talked so he was curious what was different now that I hadn't come to him at all. That really made me think....

Growing up I was lucky enough to have 2 parents that I knew I could talk to about ANYTHING!!! They were not only my parents....but my best friends as well. I spent many nights sitting up talking to my mom and then calling my dad at work (he worked midnights) just to talk. So why was it so different this time? Why did I feel I needed my mother over my father? Then it really hit me....I do need them both but at different times and for different reasons.

To me my mother represents strength. Plain and Simple! I cant really explain exactly why...maybe its cuz we are both women, maybe its cuz how she handles things, I really dont know. Dont get me wrong...she is also full of wisdom....they both are, but I call her when I need to feel strong. When I am not sure if I can make it thru something I call her. She makes me feel like I can handle matter how difficult it is! Its not that I need to hear her say that I am either right or wrong in the choices I make...I just need to hear her voice and I feel 100 times stronger.

I go to my father when I need order. I dont mean the everything in its place type of order...I'm talking about those times when your feelings are all jumbled up and you dont know how to sort them all out and put them in line to figure out just how your feeling. He doesnt tell me what I should or shouldnt do. Its not like that. For some reason he seems to ask the right questions or make the right statements that help me to look inside myself. I don't always come out of it feeling like I have all the answers and I dont need it to be like that. I come out of it feeling like I have a little more perspective on what I'm thinking and that then I can sit down and address each feeling individually and start to deal with them and make sense of them. I know that when I talk to him he is going to be honest and blunt. There is no sugar coating and I love that. But sometimes I need my mother first so I can feel strong enough to handle those emotions before my father tells me like it is. They really are the perfect balance.

Once I have gotten my strength from mom and some order from dad then I can talk to both of them and really listen to their wisdom. Take in everything they say and then decide which direction I need to take in order to make my heart happy again. I love that they dont tell me that I have to do things a certain way...they just give me the wisdom to be able to decide for myself what I need. I quite often feel like the luckiest person on earth to have them in my life.

I love you mom and dad!!! For the 100th time....I'm sorry (cuz now that I'm a parent I find myself feeling I need to say that for all the crap kids put their parents thru), and thank you for just being you!!!