Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stupid Is As Stupid Does (Zaad)

What. The. Fuck. Is. Up. With. Stupid. People?!

They're everywhere. Everywhere, I tell you! And some of them probably even think I'm the stupid one. Poor misgudied morons. Today was a day full of idiocy, if you haven't caught on. Of course, if you haven't caught on, I'm probably talking about you.

My dad made me a sign. I keep it by my computer:

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

I like to look at it. But I also think it could read equally as well like this: "Life's tough. It's even tougher if you have to manage stupid people's bank accounts."

Because, well, duh.

Anyways, aside from people thinking it is MY job to keep an eye out for THEIR over-spending, I was also dropped this bomb on me today: the new guy, we'll call him Trickster, tells us today that he is actually enlisted in the military. And leaving for basic training in September for TWENTY ONE WEEKS.

Wha????? What the fuck? All I could mutter was: Information that would have been useful anytime in the last MONTH WHEN WE WERE MAKING. THE. SCHEDULE. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Because you know what this means???? This means that for most of September and most of October, I will be the ONLY BANKER at my branch. My boss will be on maternity leave.

And we can't HIRE help because neither is losing their job, although I'd like to fire the Trickster's ass if I could, because really!? I just got the help I needed and now you're telling I won't have that help anymore??? And I fought for this guy! I voted for him between the two very qualified applicants. I LIKE him. Or I DID.

Anyways, how are you all?


Lulu said...

You ask how we all are? Well today I am actually feeling really good! Had a great day with the kids and I accomplished alot at work! Today is a smile day!

Bumpa said...

Wow....Two posts in one night.....
Glad you're back....

DM said...

Aw Dad, I love the pic!