Sunday, June 13, 2010

Drama (Zaad)

Don't get me wrong, I'm the same as everyone else: I don't mind a little drama here and there, no biggie, right?

What bugs the living shit out of me is when it happens due to shit that is out of my control, yet I still have a responsibility in cleaning up the mess. And let me tell you this: I am so tired of cleaning up dh's shit, you have no idea.

Ok, he lies, he manipulates, he doesn't care about anyone but himself, he doesn't respect me, and he sure as HELL doesn't give me credit for being a parent to OUR kids (the better one, if you ask me). But seriously?!


So my mom, the G-ma, asks me today at dinner if the kids were going to Tink's all summer for sure, and I was like "Yeah, as far as I know, he said he asked his sister, but he said he'd get back with me and that was over a week ago." ..... And then I started to think: but this is dh. I'd better check, because you know, obviously.

And the conversation went like this [after I didn't get a reply to a txt asking "the boys ARE going to Tinks tomorrow, right?" AND I had to call twice]:

Me: Did you get my text?
Dh: Yes.
Me: ....and?
Dh: My sister said she could take the boys on Mondays, and on Tuesdays they can go to Tink's.
Me: But tomorrow is Monday, right?
Dh: Yup.
Me: So, they aren't going to Tink's tomorrow, they are going to your sisters?
Dh: Yup.
Me: And you weren't going to TELL me?
Me: Thanks for letting me know. Call me when your company leaves. [click]

Obviously, Tink is pissed. And I don't blame her. I am pissed, too. More than pissed. She planned on 5 days, now she is getting 4. And to pour salt on it, he doesn't even tell us until the day before. Scratch that, he wasn't planning on telling us at all. If there is a Hell, I'm sure I have a good chance of going there, but dammitall Dh is earning a seat right next to the devil himself.

I have absolutely no energy left except to mutter this:


If you need me, I'll be the one rocking herself back and forth, mumbling, in the corner.


Christina said...

in al-anon we have a saying "Alcoholics do what alcoholics do because they're alcoholic". Dont know if he is alcoholic, or just an a hole, but you can substitute the word alcoholic of it.

Acceptance is the answer, my dear, to all that disturbs you. And clearly, his behavoir disturbs you, no?
