Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My answer to Lu's question...(Bex)

This question is entirely too hard...

I gave it many a days thought and I don't know is the real answer.

Other than unemployed... never in a million years thought that would be the case...

I have somehow become or at least close enough, to what I have "dreamed". When I was say Mitchell's age, i think i wanted to be a doctor... and my best friend Sarah Jane wanted to be the first woman president... well i was a nurse, now i'm in law school, maybe i'll end up doing both our dreams...

I always knew I would be a mom, and I always knew that I would get what I wanted, if I worked hard enough... And I have: I have a wonderful family, a great husband, 2 beautiful boys, the best friends anyone can ask for, we have all the material things one could ever want: a house, transportation, the kids are spoiled...

so... I think I am living the dream,... now I just need a job.


DM said...

Oh good fucking answer!

But don't forget, now you have to ask a question! And I know your paper is done, LOL!

Tink said...

If only we could all be so lucky!! :)

and we all know the job with come sooner than you think.