Friday, May 28, 2010

The "Story" Zaad dangled!!!

ok funny story...

Back in high school... I got "caught" having sex with my high-school boyfriend (who happens to be Itchy's dad)...

Now by getting caught, I mean, we were hanging out in my bedroom...

And my Dad says "Rebecca, step into my office." (which was never a good sign)(And was the bathroom, mind you...)
I go into the bathroom, and he says "Is this yours?"
And would you believe it, there was a condom floating in the toilet...
To which I reply, "Well, not technically..."

He was very calm, I did not get "reprimanded"; but, I was forced into telling my mother that I was "sexually active" and had to go on birth control...

It was horrifying!!! But looking back... Now, I find it one of the funniest stories of my high school years!!!


DM said...

I've often wondered how the conversation with Itchy's dad went after that:

"Couldn't you have just flushed the fucking toilet?! What are you? A moron?"

Lulu said...

That is so funny!!!! I absolutely needed a funny story today! I know I heard it before but I mean...come on....its still funny!

Bex said...

I think it went something like "Seriously... seriously... how could you do that to me?!!!"