How can you not love having Girlz Night at the beach (or as tink would the waaater cuz she refuses to call it a beach)! Everyone had so much fun and my little gray hair melted my heart when she was playing and I heard her say "This was the best day ever for going to the beach!"
I do want to say to the girlz that I really did appreciate your concern when each one of you asked me if I was ok. I really was. I was just in one of those moods where your not yippee skippee happy but not sad or mad either. I was actually in a mood of deep thought. I was listening when all of you were talking but for some reason my responses to you disappeared before they made it out of my mouth. At one point I was looking around at all of the kids and I couldn't help but take in each little giggle or roaring laugh that I heard from them. Part of me was also sad that 2 of our kids weren't there to share in the fun. I missed them.
Looking at each picture just made me appreciate all of you! Can't wait to spend more nights at the beach.....and I promise to try and not be in such deep thought next time LOL!

don't ya just love Tink's new hairdo!!
Julie & Lea love to have fun!! They are such goofballs!
I actually had to make Meghan stop moving for this one!
Cody thinks he is soooo cool!
Mitchell moved to fast for me to get a face shot but he did lay down for about 2 whole seconds for this one.
Of course Paige melted Zaad's heart when she came right up and chose to sit with her!!
Oh my god!!!! These pictures are awesome!!! We had so much fun... I can't wait to spend the summer doing just that...
And really... you did not seem right lu... r u sure u ok? if you so, then ok...
Wow! Great post.
But. To be more specific, Paige walked right onto our towels, sandy feet and all, reached out her arms to me and said "Aunt Zaaa".
And, yes, it absolutely made my night.
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