Friday, May 21, 2010

I DID IT (Zaad)

I am ready for Emerson's birthday party. I cleaned the house, got the yard ready, did the shopping, and I even ordered the cake in plenty of time! Possibly, even, I am ready for supermomdom.


Who am I kidding? I don't even WANT the job.

But I can't wait! So I'll see you all tomorrow, and I hope you all comment on how nice my bushes - scratch that ('cuz that's just weird) - my BOXWOODS look.

Oh, and btw, Shamom, if you're still in town, PLEASE COME!


Lulu said...

It was an awesome party! I know us adults had fun anyway!! Yeah the boxwoods looked great...especially with all the nerf bullets stuck in them!

ShaMom said...

I didn't see this until too late.
Would have loved to come, but I will see you girlz soon because I want hugz!!!

DM said...

Hugz??? Does she know who she's talkin' to Lu?


Bumpa said...

I thought the same thing.......
Even her Dad doesnt get hugz Shamom.........

Lulu said...

Alright might not get a "true" hug from them but I've seen you sneek in the whole one arm thing!

Bumpa said...

Dads should not get "TRUE" hugs from thier daughters. Thats what thier hot girlfriends are for...
Bex appreciates the 'one arm' thing, and Zaad just tolerates it so I dont go away crying.....
Additionally, I have really stopped trying to get hugs from the boys because well, duh....
I just love it when they say Hello and Good bye to me; when THEY want to, not because they are made to.
All the bratz are welcome to G'ma's and my house anytime, as long as they go away in a timely fashion, (like 2 hours).