Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Motherhood Ups and Downs (Lulu)

This is why I call Cody my BIG gray hair!!! Yes I know that he is 16.....and yes I DO remember what its like to be that age.....but that doesnt mean I am ready for what that age brings!!!!

So he has his girlfriend over and my little gray hair is being a pest, as usual, and wont leave them he asks if they can go into his room. Of course I lay down the rules about the door having to be open and all that cuz again....I do remember those days!!! After awhile I notice that it is just wayyyyy to quiet! She's a jabber jaws just like I am so I know that if I cant hear her talking then something else must be occupying her time.

I walk into his doorway and what do I find? The 2 of them in the middle of a realllllly heavy makeout session...(yes the clothes were still on for the 100th time). I just cleared my throat and watched them jump to opposite sides of the room! I know this is normal for the age and all but that doesnt make it any easier for a mother to witness!!! But I do try to be one of those parents who doesnt fly off the handle over those things cuz then what....oh yeah he'd just clam up and never talk and I would never have a clue about my kid!

So I did the best thing I could think of to do.....

Let the embarrassment be punishment enough!! I told ALL the girlz (or otherwize known as all the moms) and now he knows he's gonna get harrassed by them ALL!!!! hehehe I really loved that part of it all! And of course I really enjoyed all the sucking up he's doing now!! He still cant look me in the eye without turning 100 shades of red! I never yelled or showed that I wanted to cry cuz my baby is growing up.

I soooooo dont think I am ready to deal with any more stages.....can we just stop time and never let them grow?


DM said...

Thanks Lu!

And great post, Bex and I were laughing! I can't wait to see the little fucker...(or as I'm praying: non-fucker!!!!!)

Bumpa said...

I, however, cant wait to see him for 'high-fives'.
HHmmm......I'm wondering if I need to convey the Bex story......(talk about shades of RED)...

Bex said...

No need!!! Already conveyed to the girls.... as far as Cody goes... Umm... no. He needs to think i am and always was a perfect little angel!!!

just like you and mom always tried to make us believe about ya'll!!!!


Tink said...

LMFAO...That's about all I got for that one Lu

I already know Im in so much trouble when Jules starts that crap and knowing her it will be sooner then 16....

ShaMom said...

telling everyone!!!! You,re doing his bragging for him. Now his male ego will be soooo puffed up.

Lulu said...

Oh man! I never thought of it that way!