Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Gratitude (Lulu)

Girl scout camp was a blast with Tink. Yeah the other parents were a real pain in the ass but oh well...what ya gonna do. We played and danced with the girls and made complete fools out of ourselves but at least we can say that all in all we did our best to make sure ALL of the girls had a good time.

Here are the things I am grateful for:

  1. My kids have really big hearts and I don't think that is something that can be taught
  2. I don't have to punch a time clock so I am able to be there whenever my kids need me
  3. Caffeine
  4. I got home from girl scout camp and my son had the house picked up and laundry done so all I have to do is rest
  5. I have 2 parents who love me unconditionally


DM said...

Great post! And I totally envy the non-punching-time-clock thing. Jsyk.

Bex said...

Seriously... me too... I dont want to punch a time clock anymore... i'm done!