Friday, February 5, 2010

Forcing Gratitude (Sarah)

I'm throwing down the gauntlet (is that the right saying? typing it suddenly made me think I have it wrong. oh hell. who cares?)

I am challenging my Girlz (including me) to post a gratitude list with 5 things. Because I think we all need it. And saying you are grateful for the Girlz isn't going to count, because that is a given. Which makes that cheating.

(And loyal and adoring readers, please feel free to accept the challenge in the form of a comment.)

Here are the things that make me smile:

  1. I have a very sweet man in my life.
  2. My kids know how to smile despite the life they have had to live.
  3. My job makes me feel *successful*.
  4. iTunes and iPods.
  5. I paid my bills AND put money in my savings account (for now).

What are YOU grateful for?


Liz Meehan Neighbors said...

-just not drinking.
-my husband and my 2
-really good friends.
-healthy family.
really like your blog.thanks!