Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Need a GPS (LULU)

I've decided I need a GPS for my life. I know where I want to end up but I just don't know quite how to get there. I was driving down this nice, smooth, beautiful highway and yes sometimes the scenery wasn't always so great but at least I knew where I was headed when all of the sudden BAM! the road was closed. For three years now I have been on this bumpy little dirt road with all these twists and turns. Every so often I catch a glimpse of that highway but I can never seem to find the entrance ramp to get back on. Not to mention I have 2 kids in the car and so I have to keep coming up with different things for them to do so that they remain oblivious to the fact that mom is completely lost. So now what do I do? Do I say FUCK IT and just look for a different highway or do I keep the faith that eventually I will find that elusive entrance ramp. With all of todays technology can't they invent a GPS for your life where you just punch in your destination and it tells you what choices to make in order to get there. In the mean time at least I can say I have great friends riding shotgun to make the road trip more interesting!


Sage Ravenwood said...

Oh Sweetie, I'm no help here. I like the less traveled roads. The steepier and untraveled the better. Then again I don't have two kids in the backseat. If it were me I would make an adventure out of it and make it seem like I wanted to end up there. (Hugs)Indigo

Bex said...

Very profound! The only person who can really answer that question is you! and one day you will know what the right answer is... i promise. if you don't feel the right answer now, then you wait and be patient. life has a way of working itself out ... you just have to watch for the clues and signs... they are there, just open your eyes to them!

And we are all here shotgun, backseat, or even taking turns driving for ya!!!!

DM said...

1. Thank you, I am a great friend, aren't I?
2. Wonderfully written post. It's weird how all three of you *non-writers* seem to have the most interesting stuff to write.


3. If there was such a device, the Bex and I would have written a check for it a long, long time ago. Right, Bex?

DM said...

Oh and I forgot to add this:

Lulu: do you know what a paragraph is? It's this cool little device that breaks up sentences into groups.

HAHAHA - just giving ya a hard time. I really loved your post.

Bex said...

seriously?! do you want her to stop posting?


Tink said...

Seriously it is what makes you happy and as long as there is no regret or guilt in what you do you are doing it right!

Liz Meehan Neighbors said...

so hard and rocky until it's not... and then it's a different hard and rocky because of the continuous driving as best we can. the kids in the backseat help us to navigate and drive as steady as we can,,,hopefully keeping them from bumping around in the backseat. they have seat belts and so do we...that helps..even though it's uncomfortable and the road trip is long. we can pull over to a rest stop to take a breather and see how everyone is doing. sometimes when we make the wrong turns or get a little lost, that turns out to be the part of the trip we remember most! have a good trip...and take it slow... watch your speedometer and watch the signs!