Friday, February 12, 2010

I need help! (Bex)

I need help!

There is not enough time in a week for me... I have so much to do and I am starting to feel overwhelmed...

Here's my list that I should have/did get done this week... and next week:
1. do my taxes (started, but have not completed)
2. do my schoolwork (which consists of 50 pages for ea class, 3 classes)(started but did not complete this week, and will need to start a new 50 pages for each class starting sunday)
3. Snow day... (was the best snow day... we went sledding)
4. Skate lessons (for Itchy on Mondays)
5. Work 24 hours (2- 12 hour shifts or 3-8 hour shifts)(mostly thurs and sundays)
6. Pooh has preschool on mondays and wednesdays
7. girl night
8. Classes and school meetings (thursday thru sat)(which i am contemplating not going this week because not prepared...)
9. clean house and laundry
10. plan a trip for me and the pot stirrer (which i can't realy do until taxes are done
11. spend time with family (because i don't see them that much this semester)(which i did wed evening and plan on sat evening)
12. Homework with itchy
13. Lie on the couch and moan that this semester sucks....

Funny, listing it out doesn't make it seem like too much... but this week i have not been able to allocate my time wisely. I can't find time to do the taxes, my school work and keep the house clean...

Ugh... Can I request an extra day this week... preferably a 2nd sunday to get some of this done??
