Friday, February 19, 2010

Another funny conversation (Bex)

Ok, Lu's post reminded me of another funny conversation between the rats and one of the yahoos!

We are driving home from picking up the kids from Lu's house, and I also have the Rie-man, one of Zaad's yahoos... And we drive by the Big High School... Remember, Itchy is 9, Rie-man is almost 7, and Pooh is 3 1/2...

Itchy says: "One day I will be going to that school, and so will the Rie-man, and Mo, hey and even you Pooh"
Pooh says: "but I don't want to go there, I don't want to get bigger"
Itchy: "yeah, I don't want to get bigger either"
Me: "you know what guys, i don't want you to get any bigger or older either, cause that just means that I'm getting older... Let's just hit the pause button!"
Itchy: "Alrighty... I hit my pause button"
Me: "I hit my pause button"
Pooh as he starts getting very upset: "but I can't find my pause button, where is my pause button?"
Me: "wherever you want it to be; mine is my nose!"
Itchy: "my is the back of my head"
Me: "hey Rie-man, where is your pause button?"
Rie-man, with a big smile on his face: "you don't want to know!"
So I look in the rear-view mirror and Itchy is talking and laughing with the Rie-man
Itchy: "it's his weenis, mom!"

Yeah, thanks kid, like i couldn't figure that out without you explaining it to me!
Typical Rie-man!!!

Gotta love kids!!!


DM said...

Yup, that is MY kid.

Also a classic.