Monday, April 12, 2010

Bex's Tat Pictoblog (Zaad)

Bex's pictoblog is by far the funniest. Don't believe me? Scroll down to see Bex in panicked pain. I, for one, cannot stop laughing every time I look at it.
This is Bex, pumped, ready and excited for her new tattoo. See the big smile?

And this is Bex flipping us off after we kept telling her how much it was going to hurt and how she was going to soon stop smiling:

And this is Bex, mid-tattoo, in panicked pain. I love it. I just LOVE it:

Bex had one of the coolest designs as you can see here when it was just under way:

And this is the beautiful finished tattoo. The yin-yang is for balance, the stars of for us four girls and the little stars represent the 9 kids. Now she is stuck with us FOREVA:


Bex said...

you forgot to add that each of the six big rays are for my immediate family members and each of the little six rays are representative of how one sees themselves (wife, nurse, lawyer, mom, well you get the idea...)!!!