Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stepchildren.... (Bex)

Ok, first let me say, I am sorry Sarah that this seems to coincide with your good news!

I am so sick the double standards that are allowed in life. The one I am referring to at this moment is Respect.

My husband has this thing that he is not to be disrespected. And if anyone disrespects him, me, as his wife, should always have his back, no matter what...

Ok. whatever. so, weeks ago, his daughter, my step-daughter and I got into it on the phone. Rather, I tried to tell her that I didn't like where the conversation was going and didn't appreciate being talked to that way... And in her ever frustrating ways, she turned the conversation into a fight. I was very calm, and tried several times to explain that this was not about her getting the information she needed, this was about the way she was disrespecting me... She eventually told me, more like yelled to me, to "Fuck off" several times, and said some other nasty things... and eventually said, something along the lines, that we did not need to have any type of relationship.... that there was nothing.

So, I immediately sent my husband a text that said, "from now on you will deal with your daughter. she told me to fuck off and i will not deal with this any longer."

He said, "ok, i will take of it."

Now, remember that was weeks ago. That night he never asked what happened, or what was said. Never asked me a thing about the conversation. It just disappeared.

Yesterday, he says to the boys, "Sissy wants to take you guys out this week, she said she would let me know what day."

so, I say to him, "have you two ever talked about that conversation."
He says, "what conversation?"
I remind him... he says no.

so, Now I start fuming... Oh, it's ok to disrespect me, but not him. If this had been him disrespected by my child or one of my family members, you better damn well know that it would be addressed immediately or 'i don't have his back'.

well, this morning, i told him how i felt. And he actually said "what difference is it going to make? is it going to fix anything? we already don't talk that much, i would like to salvage what relationship i have with her."

fuck you both. is all i can say to that. yes, we had a little discussion, he tried to say, yes, you are right, you are my wife and it's not ok.

But you know what, those were all words just for me to feel better. because what he really meant he already said. he would rather me remain the punching bag and salvage what precious relationship he can with her. whatever.

all be damned if my boys are going anywhere with her until she apologizes to me first though.


the walking man said...

The germane question is how old is this little bitch? If she's older than 22 (younger would only be supervised visits) I wouldn't let my under age kids anywhere near her. EVER! You are not her "parent" and she obviously has resentment towards you, why allow her to transfer it to her step siblings.

As for your old man Bex...There is only one and hard fast rule I have. NO ONE...and I mean no one, not my kids, her kid, no hood rats, no co worker, no neighbor, no one fucks with my old lady. There are a number of times I had to prove that I mean this.

If your old man can't grasp that concept then get the teaching stick out and feel free to disrespect his ass with it all you want.

I only came over here for Sarah and her R rated version but as usual I have an opinion about everything.

DM said...


TWM: I just fell in love with you. again.

And I wonder how many others fell for it.

And Bex: that sux. Period.

Lulu said...

Respect has to go both ways! You have been nothing but nice to her and you dont deserve to be treated that way!! I'll kick her ass for ya LOL!

Bex said...

thank you Walking Man...

Good to hear from you again!