Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sometimes I actually do Love my Husband (Bex)

Ok, I know you started this question and response thing...
But I felt like I needed to post this!

I have bitched and complained often about my husband... However, I have to say, sometimes I really am lucky and he really does step up... sometimes...

The other night was one of those moments...

Lil Pooh started screaming "MOM, MOM" at the top of lungs, from the top of the stairs at 12:30a.m.; I finally woke up, went running out in my underwear to see what was wrong; and at that time the lil shit just wanted to come downstairs and sleep with us. So, being the good mom that I am (usually, I am not so friendly when woken up from a dead sleep!) I took Pooh into our room and we fell asleep...
Only at 1 a.m.ish... Lil Pooh started puking... (now, i think this is the first time Pooh has ever puked) He got puke everywhere, all over our bed sheets, pillows, the clean clothes lying next to the bed, his special animals and blanket he sleeps with...
As I got Reese into the bathroom to clean him up... My husband jumped out of bed, stripped the sheets, got new sheets and put them on the bed, got Pooh new pajamas, took all the dirty stuff to the laundry room.... All without being asked.
We worked as a team in a stinky, sticky situation!
I know to some it may seem trivial or minute; but to have un-asked for help in the middle of the night is something that a "Thank You" just doesn't seem enough. I hope he knows how much that means to me.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Having a kid who used to projectile vomit, I know just what you mean. (Hugs)Indigo

DM said...

Oh my poor little reese's pieces. And good for you for seeing the good in your husband, I know it's not always easy in this stressful, harried life.

Bumpa said...

Well....looks like he keeps the #1 son in law title for a little while longer.....

Tell Reesie Bumps thinking about him....

Tell PS good job....


Lulu said...

I hope my reesie is feeling better and I am so glad you had help...there is nothing worse than having a sick kid and having to do it all by yourself