Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life With My Girls (Lulu)

ok so when Sarah suggested this blog thing I thought she was nuts, but I figured "what the hell" maybe it will be fun and/or helpful. And ya know what....I have already decided it is great. I am proud of Bex for writing and having the courage to do it. Sitting around w/ the girls today made me think ALOT! I have always been fortunate enough to have good friends in my life but this is the first time I have had a group. They are not just my friends but they are my everything. As we sat crying, talking, laughing.....yes we do those all in just a matter of minutes.....all I could think was that I am so lucky. I know that no matter how shitty things get I will ALWAYS have them and that I can get through anything as long as I have them. I also know that I will be there for them NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! Each one of us brings a different perspective to the table and we all have our own opinions but how many people can say that they can be totally truthful and honest with their friends without the fear of pissing someone off. I can say it! So thanx are my life


DM said...


the walking man said...

Shit...anyone who can let a creature grow inside them then birth that baby has bigger balls than any man I ever met. But that crying thing...Good lord, there are better ways to keep the lake levels up.

Sage Ravenwood said...

I think it's awesome you guys have such a strong network of support and love. Writing does wonders for the soul (this from a writer - winks).

I do know from the way Sarah talks, she got through her divorce with her girls helping to hold her up when she needed it the most. I'm so glad Bex had everyone with recent events and I'm looking forward to getting to know you Lulu and Tink took. (Hugs)Indigo