First, I want to send a huge thank you to TWM and Indigo. Your comments are truly appreciated and it's nice to "have followers"!
Indigo said it in her comment... Right now I can't breathe in my own home, I walk on eggshells, afraid when the next un-doing will happen... and then the weeks ensue to try to repair what was once fun, carefree and that I loved very much.
When the pot-stirrer and I met we had a lot of "us" time. My son, Itchy (who is 9), would visit with his dad every Wed and every other weekend. As with many things in life, things change... we had Pooh (who is now 3 1/2) [the 2 most wonderful boys in my life]... and for the first year of Pooh's life, there was the usual adjustment to another child in one's life. Then I went to law school, and yes continued to work as a nurse, and a mother and a wife, and blah, blah, blah. I thought I was super-woman. And yes, I can and do manage it all.
What i haven't figured out is how to manage my husband. For the last year things have been taking a downward spiral. I would like to think that I haven't changed that much (other than being busier)... but who knows...
During our latest explosion (last night)... Which started because me, him, Sarah, and DM were playing a new game (Quelf) and it is really silly and instead of asking him to sing a love song, I asked my sister's man to do it. Thinking it would be funny. However, according my husband, I humiliated him and disrespected him. and the fight began. He actually said to me... "you are disrespectful, totally disregard me and am not there emotionally for me". I am not disrespectful and my life revolves around making his life easier so he doesn't get upset. But you know what I may not be there emotionally anymore. I think I may be exhausted from always being the one to hold it together and right now the last thing i need to do is "pick up" someone else (and by someone else, i mean my husband, who is supposed to be there for me too; isn't that what a marriage is?). What about my needs? What about the issue that he thinks he that "he supports me" being in school; but he doesn't "support me"; in fact most days I am so wrapped up in trying not to upset him that i don't get much school/study time in.
we have a "good" life. we a beautiful house, wonderful kids, 2 working cars, we are both employed, and both in overall good health. what we lack in our "good" life is "like" for each other. And how the hell do you get that back? How do you make someone stop accusing you of being something you're not? How do you get through to someone 'all of this bullshit' is stuck in his head and not for real? so he's right. I am not there emotionally for him. his emotions are his problem right now.
i am fucking exhausted.
and i only touched on issues... my mind is rambling with thoughts and i apologize for any incoherency... hopefully i will be able dive into each issue in more depth....
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I Can't Breathe (Bex)
Posted by Bex at 4:00 PM
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Well written post, sis! I hope it made you feel better, or help get some perspective.
And I'm proud of you for writing!
WTF is going on? It seems every female I know, with the exception of my old lady because I always do what she asks of me and she never asks me to do much, is going through this bullshit with their man.
All of the Tall's & others (you'll have to see my blog from last week to catch the reference) this past week end:
1)Broke up with her BF because she was tired of giving her best and having it returned with emotional detachment.
2)FINALLY got tired of being the target of physical and emotional abuse and left his dumb ass.
3)Is questioning seriously her BF's ability to love anything beyond his own dick.
4)Described a decades long union of incompatibility.
5) etc. etc. etc. (yeah I do have a lot of female friends)
Sounds to me like your old man acts/reacts from his insecurities rather than his masculinity. And not that cave man shit or that metrosexual perfumed crap Madison Avenue masculinity but the place in the middle where a man is man because he understands that in life things have to be structured so he is NOT the main focus. God, family, wife, kids and at times even the dog have to come first.
Only a fool needs or wants to be in the center ring, when it's not his birthday, all the time. Jaysus why would any man want the light on him all the time?
In insisting he be the main attraction at every event he makes life like being forced to watch the same episode of 90210 over and over again on every freeking channel. Drama drama drama and the same drama over and over again. It get's old quick.
So what is he insecure about?
Is it the way he was raised? That he has to be the achiever and you the less so?
Is it that he is seeing his dick is not everything it used to be and that was once his main pride?
Is it that in his soul he is feeling that you are moving so far ahead at such a rapid pace that you will leave him behind?
Whatever it is only you can tell because you are the one closest to the circumstances of his being.
But I am never one to coddle simply for some peace and quiet. Fuck that.
Depose the defendant and find out what the facts are (a valium for both of you probably wouldn't hurt before deposition time 5mg's for you and maybe 2-10 mg's for the defendant.
At one time you two knew how to talk respectfully with each other (if not then you're both idiots)so you both know that the room is built and exists somewhere inside of you both still.
Better find it now than try to find it when the house is a raging inferno. Because then you're already going to leave it burn because everything of value has already been taken out.
Fix it now or watch, sadly, the wheels come off later.
The rest of the story - that was my life some years ago. It got worse and it almost always does. First it's the disrespect, you don't appreciate me. Then it was distrust and being accused of everything under the sun. It grew to be so controlling, I couldn't leave the house without him. He actually quit his job and would sit in the lobby of where I worked (You had to sign in and out before you left so he knew I wasn't going anywhere). Violent? Not at first, but insecurity does a lot to a persons psyche. This same man beat me so badly I was in a coma for a week. Yeah, it got that bad.
No, I'm not saying your heading down that path. I am saying the signs are way TOO familiar. Having a great home and kids and job is awesome. Then you have to ask yourself what are the kids seeing, feeling. Is your home worth your freedom, your self preservation.
Things can be replaced, peace of mind and safety, the ability to breathe not so much.
I've been with a great guy now for 7 years. We own our home and he would never dream of clipping my wings. I guess what I'm trying to say don't have to put up with the abuse. And it is that once you find yourself unable to breathe and walking on those eggshells. You deserve to be loved and appreciated for who you are. (Hugs)Indigo
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