Monday, March 28, 2011

Needing My Girlz (Zaad)

Ok, I am so ready for a girlz night. I know, we said we were gonna take a break through April, let the dust settle, let Lulu settle in and everything... but... Dude. I'm going crazy without having you 3 to bitch to (or at, it's usually both...) on a weekly basis. And well... you know. Let's face it, I'm crazy enough. I already spoke with Lulu, Wednesday at her place works for her! And congrats, btw to Lulu for getting her own place!!! YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT. There is nothing like having your own place. Your own home base. It's just, well, all yours! So, enjoy, and I'll see you Wednesday. Even if we're sitting on boxes. Btw, can we smoke at your place? Please say yes. Just sayin'.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Next Chapter (Lulu)

Well I am about to embark on the next chapter of my life.

Over the weekend I finally got the call that I got the house I was looking at renting. The kids are sooooo excited! Their favorite part is the big yard (which the landlord has graciously said he would take care of because it is too much for a single mom and since he has the tractor anyways he will just do it!) He is so excited to have kids living in the house that he raised his kids in that he is going through and fixing up just about everything. I went there today to give him the rest of the security deposit and he went through a long list of all the things he upgraded! I have New faucets, shower heads, shutters, a new washer (the dryer is coming in a couple days), a new microwave...well you get the idea.

My plan is to try and move some stuff each night but since I work late it will really be only 1 trip per night. On Friday my big gray hair is going to see if his friend can stay the night and we plan on moving as much as we can then. I will have a little bit of time Saturday morning but the rest of the day is for the Rie-man since its his birthday : ) I figure by the end of Sunday I should be able to spend my first night in my house. I have so many emotions over this. There is such a huge part of me that is just so excited to finally be on my own...but there is also a part of me that is scared shitless. This is it...I am on my own and I gotta do this...I know I can its just a little overwhelming at the same time. I have not been on my own in almost 15 yrs (meaning without a spouse or live-in boyfriend).

Itchy breaks my heart though. He doesnt want his Cody to go. Those two have pretty much been inseperable from the moment we moved in with Bex. I promised him he could come stay the night though. And reminded him that its not like we are going very far. I am definitely gonna miss having itchy and reesy-pooh around all the time. They are always good for a laugh. They also help to fill the void when my kids are at their dads. It is going to seem so weird the first week I am in the house because its the kids week with their dad so I will be by myself.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Call Bullshit (Zaad)

The picture was photoshopped.

Yes, that is what I am going with.

I have NOT changed THAT much.

I mean, really, people.

Just sayin'.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The world is ENDING! (Lulu)

Ok so we all know Zaad...we all know about all the changes she has made to become stronger, more independant...


But there are just some things that will never change...things that we would have NEVER thought would happen!!!!

So Bex and I had to go to the grocery store over the weekend and Zaad decided to go with. Of course Bex didn't mention what we had to do at the store so the conversation went a little like this as we pulled into the parking spot

Bex: Oh I accidentally forgot to tell you we had to return bottles

Me: You "accidentally" forgot to tell her?!?!

Zaad: (with a grumble) Yeah cuz she knew it would be a deal breaker

(we get out of the truck and proceed to open the back)

Zaad: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! This is bullshit!! (as she proceeds to turn and RUN into the store)

and here is the best part...

The ENTIRE time she proceeded to grumble and I do believe the words "This is for poor people!" came out of her mouth more times than I could keep track of!

Do you see the look of disgust on her face!!!!

But she did it...she even put more cans/bottles into those damn machines than either Bex or I! Course she took a shower in the hand sanitizer that is provided by the machines (and she didn't even turn in the ones that came from her house...she did the ones from Bex house THAT WERE PRE-RINSED!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life is Life (Zaad)

Ok, someone needs to start writing. We've had this thing going for over a year now and I don't want it to stop. I don't particularly have anything great to write about, but since I'm home with back pain, I figured I would try and do something....

Us four girlz have been through so much together. It's amazing, really. I never thought in a million years that having a friendship with 3 other girls would take so much work. But it's kind of like a marriage, what we all have. None of us are perfect and we all get that. But when it comes right down to it, I think we are learning to step back and try to think about the things that really matter.

Like how much we stick up for each other. Or how much we are there for each other, no matter what it is that we need. Or how we all consider Girlz night to be sacred and try to make it every single week. It isn't always laughing our asses off, sometimes we just sit and play cards and just BE. Sometimes there are tear filled nights. And yes, sometimes we do laugh so hard we spit our pop out.

I love it and don't want it to ever change. I don't want our petty personal differences to interfere with the big picture and the big picture is this: What we have is special and awesome. Like a marriage, we have good times and bad, but we are all committed to each other. And that means a lot.

Even when I'm bitching and complaining about one of us, or feel like one of us doesn't care/is cranky/can be mean/isn't doing things MY way/is annoying/insert anything else I meay bitch about right here, EVEN THEN, I LOVE WHAT WE HAVE.

See you girlz tomorrow! Who's night is it again? lol, oh yeah, it's BEX.